SVURUSA is a structurally sponsored project to revolutionize the higher education in India by Ministry of education govenrment of india in association with the state govenrment to holistic development of state Univeristies, S.V.Univeristy in the phase II of the RUSA Project.
The University is selected under RUSA component 4 for Rs.100 crore. Under this program, the following activities are in progress:
Setup a world class Incubation Centre to encourage young and other aspiring entrepreneurs to bring in new ideas to build products and solutions using the latest and emerging technologies, File for patents, Intellectual Property and Copyright protection which will be jointly owned between the entrepreneurs and SVU, Marketing & selling of the products and solutions, The Incubation Centre to become self-sufficient in two years, The Incubation Centre to be profitable in three years enabling further investment in Research & Innovation.
SVU School of Business management along with TCOAP – Technology companies association of AP is proposing to create a Fintech Ecosystem using the Block Chain Technology, Cyber Security, AI & ML technologies.
Ensure that only good quality students are selected for admission into SVU under various categories and courses; Ensure that the right higher education opportunities and right job opportunities are provided to students. Better quality of students admitted into SVU. Better quality of higher education and job opportunities for students passing out.
Using the latest technologies including but not limited to Internet of Things, Block Chain, Big Data, Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence, along with data coming from various labs, develop applications to benefit people, governments and the economy of the country.
This will be a complex system to be proposed by a service provider / solution provider based on all the data that our R&D labs will be able to provide to the service provider / solution provider. Crop Loan application capture and processing application for farmers integrated with the Primary Agricultural Credit Societies and District Central Cooperative Banks. Develop a Micro Loan platform for farmers, Integrating chit-funds, credit rating and public block chain
Learning ecosystem development and aggregation on emerging technologies for the students hands-on to develop innovative solutions for the existing problems in various fields with a designed viable business model. All the institutional, organizations and individual IOT and innovation labs have to be aggregated into a platform along with pool of mentors, trainers and project support methodology.
Proposed for patent of the Dish washer with economical in terms of production and maintenance for commercial use at college hostels, hotels and function halls. The prototype is been developed with the guidance of the Dept of Mech. Engineering and kept under testing in SVU Hostel.
Co-ordinator-I, RUSA Phase-II,
Dean, Research & Development
S.V. University, Tirupati
Co-ordinator-II, RUSA Phase-II,
Dept., of Bio chemistry
S.V. University, Tirupati
Dept., of MBA
S.V. University, Tirupati
Department of Engineering
S.V. University, Tirupati
PDF, Dept., of MBA
S.V. University, Tirupati
Associate Professor
Department of Engineering
S.V. University, Tirupati
Associate Professor
Department of Home Science
S.V. University, Tirupati
Department of Engineering
S.V. University, Tirupati
Setup a world class Incubation Centre to encourage young and other aspiring entrepreneurs to bring in new ideas to build products and solutions using the latest and emerging technologies, File for patents, Intellectual Property and Copyright protection which will be jointly owned between the entrepreneurs and SVU, Marketing & selling of the products and solutions, The Incubation Centre to become self-sufficient in two years, The Incubation Centre to be profitable in three years enabling further investment in Research & Innovation.
30 Years as Assistant Professor, Associate Professor and Professor. Taught subjects like Atmospheric Science, communication electronics, Digital and mobile communications, Atmospheric Instrumentation, Atmospheric Dynamics.
During the Ph.D work, extensive studies were carried out on Radio climatology over Southern India for Radiowave propagation and developed a monostatic SODAR with the help of NPL, New Delhi and studied the PBL characteristics and correlated with radio propagation and fading of the signals. A similar SODAR was installed by me in Antarctica during 1990-91.
After Ph.D, studies were conducted on Atmospheric sciences using Indian MST Radar especially on turbulence parameters and gravity waves and also on mobile and Radio communications. Extensive studies on “Digital Video Broadcasting” were carried out for two years in Nanyang Technological University, Singapore during 2012-2014.
Involved in developing research activities in the area of Atmospheric sciences by nurturing the UGC-SVU Centre for MST Radar applications, which is now recognized as a Major National Facility at SV University and an Advanced Centre for Atmospheric Sciences by ISRO. An M.Tech program on “Space Technology” was carried out with the help of ISRO.
Many students are working jointly at SVU in collaboration with NARL. The state of the art “Meteor Radar” facility was established for the first time in the Indian Universities. A Lidar & HPC facilities were also augmented to strengthen the research activities.
Published more than 150 research publications and guided 41 students for Ph.D. Several research projects were completed and many are ongoing.
Through the UGC-SVU centre, facilities were extended to user scientists from different Universities across the country. Several workshops/ winter schools were conducted to promote atmospheric sciences research. NSSS-2012 was organized successfully and 104th Indian Science Congress organized during 3-7 January 2017, witnessed the organizational capability of me as an Organizing secretary.
A seasoned professional with around 20 years of experience in IT, HR, Marketing, Training and Management.
A keen planner & implementer with track record of developing operational policies/ norms, contracts, systems & controls, consortiums, startups, motivational schemes & education standards for professionals.
Experience of facilitating students by using interactive discussions and ‘hands-on approaches to help them learn and apply concepts in market place..
Have the perfect Domain knowledge and business know how of industry verticals like IT, Insurance, Retail, Sales, Hospitality, HR, Education
B.Tech, M.Sc, PhD (Biotechnology)
Technical Consultant
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RUSA – S.V. University, Tirupati
Technical Consultant
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RUSA – S.V. University, Tirupati
Technical Consultant
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RUSA – S.V. University, Tirupati
Email :
RUSA – S.V. University, Tirupati