Dr. K. T. Ramakrishna Reddy is a Professor in the department of Physics, College of Sciences, S.V. University, Tirupati. Currently, he is the Principal of the S.V.U College of Sciences.
Dr. Reddy is specialized in Thin Film and Solar Energy Physics, particularly thin film semiconductor materials for solar photovoltaic and sensor applications. He has a teaching experience of over 30 years and research experience of 35 years.
Dr. Reddy was a recipient of the Best Teacher award (2015) and Scientist Award (2017) from the AP State Government. He has supervised 27 PhDs, 8 MPhils and 43 MSc/MTech projects. He has completed 17 research projects awarded by Indian (UGC, IUC and DST) and foreign (European Commission, Governments of UK, Israel, Russia, Slovenia and Belarus) funding agencies. Dr. Reddy was awarded many coveted research fellowships like the BOYSCAST, Commonwealth, DAAD, EPSRC, JSPS and Marie Curie in addition to INSA, SERC and UGC Visiting Associateships to work on solar energy materials in abroad and within India. These fellowships include collaborative research, exchange visits and teaching in the technology / engineering departments of host institutions.
Dr. Reddy was invited for nomination to the prestigious ‘Eni Award’ for Energy Research in association with Prof. R.W. Miles by the Eni Society, Italy, a rare international recognition for an Indian researcher. He has presented 190 conference presentations, published 230 research papers, 2 UK patents, 3 books and 5 book chapters. He was instrumental in establishing 6 MoUs with foreign Universities in the UK, Japan, Russia, Slovenia and Belarus for exchange of faculty and research students and 1 MoU with the NREDCAP, AP for solar power generation. Many of his papers were very well cited with a total citation of over 7000 along with a H-index of 47 and was listed in top 2% of Indian scientists by AD World Scientific Index – 2023. Some of his research papers were identified as the “Key Scientific Inventions” by the ‘Renewable Energy Global Innovations’, Canada and few were invited to publish in “Research Outreach”. He is a Fellow of AP Academy of Science and life member of many other national and international scientific bodies. He has visited different laboratories in over 20 countries across the world on various assignments.
Prof. K. T. Ramakrishna Reddy