Dr. M. Venkateswarlu
Professor & Vice-Principal
Prof. M.Venkateswarlu was born in Karavadi Village, Prakasam District. He obtained B.A. (AES) Degree in 1985, M.Com. Degree in 1987, M.Phil. Degree in the year 1990 and Ph.D. degree from S.V. University in the year 1994. He was appointed as Lecturer in S.V.University, Tirupati in October 1992, promoted as Associate Professor during 2001 and subsequently he became Professor during 2009. He got his PGDCA and MBA Degrees during the years 2011, 2013 respectively. He is having 28 years of P.G. teaching experience, 7 M.Phil. Degrees and 24 Ph.D. degrees were awarded and 9 post doctoral fellows under his able guidance. He has published 142 articles in various repeated National and International Journals. He has attended 53 National and International conferences and also attended 6 online webinars.
He has completed one UGC MRP major research project and presently he is having ICSSR research project. He has organized two national seminars; he worked as Co-ordinator for M.Com A&F Course. He is a Member of Board of Studies in Davangere University and Bangalore North University. He is editorial board member for SELP Journal in Tiruchirapalli. He is life member in various professional bodies like All India Commerce Association, All India Accounting Association, and Business Vision. He worked as Director, Directorate of Admissions (DOA), Sri Venkateswara University, Tirupati from 01-01-2020 to 07-05-2021.At present he is Vice-Principal, SVU CM & CS, Sri Venkateswara University, Tirupati.
Dr. M. Venkateswarlu
Professor & Vice-Principal