Dr. K. Sudha Rani
Principal, SVU College of Arts
About Dr.K.Sudha Rani
Dr. K. Sudharani took B.Sc. Degree in 1985 and M.A. Adult Education Degree in 1987. She got Goldmedal in M.A. She was awarded with Ph.D in Adult Education in 1992 by Sri Venkateswara University. She has started her career as Assistant Professor in the Department of Adult and Continuing Education in the year 1992 and presently working as presently working as Principal, SVU College of Arts. She has published 77 articles on the themes like Adult Education, gender equality, women’s education, environmental pollution, vocational training etc., in various reputed journals. She has published 9 books on Vocational Training, Training for Field Level Functionaries, Literacy and Social Sustainability, Libraries in Adult Education Centres, Peoples Participation in Development and Extension as the Third Dimension of the Universities. She has participated and presented 86 papers in various National seminars and workshops connected to Adult Education and Social Sciences. She has guided 32 dissertations at Post Graduate level in Adult education and 3 Ph. Ds were awarded under her supervision. She has completed 17 minor research projects, 5 Evaluation projects, and 2 major research projects funded by MHRD, UGC & ICSSR. She has organised 10 National seminars as Director and 6 national seminars and workshops as Co-Director. She has organised various extension activities like training of village coordinators, training of lecturers on career guidance and counselling, training of Go and NGO functionaries, vocational training programmes, Medical camps, awareness programmes in villages and Career Guidance and Counselling Camps in Degree Colleges. She served as Head of the Department, BoS Chair Person in the Department of Adult and Continuing Education. At present she is Director In-Charge, Centre for Extension Studies, Dean Faculty of Education, and Member Of University Research Committee. In recognition of her contributions to teaching, research and extension and field outreach activities, she received University Meritorious Teacher Award from S. V. University, Best Teacher Award by Vidya Parirakshna Samithi and State Best Teacher Award by Government of Andhra Pradesh.
Dr. K. Sudha Rani
Principal, SVU College of Arts