Dr. P. Hema, working as a Professor in the Mechanical Engineering, S.V.U College of Engineering, Tirupati. S.V. University, Tirupati since 2007. She joined in the university as Assistant professor in the year 2007. She is a graduate in Mechanical Engineering from S.V.U College of Engineering, Tirupati and M. Tech in Production Engineering from S.V.U College of Engineering, Tirupati and Ph.D. (Doctorate) degree from S.V. University College of Engineering, Tirupati. She has 24 years of teaching and research experience. Her main research areas of interest domain area of welding and Manufacturing of Composites. She has published many research papers in international journals and national journals. She has guided 55 M.Tech Projects,1 PhD and 4 Ph.Ds. Projects are in pipeline . She is a life member of various professional bodies like IWS, IIW, IIM, and ISTE. She is a member of various committees in department level, college level and University level. She attended various workshops, seminars and conferences at National and international level. She attended 35 FDP’S / Workshops etc.
At the Department of Mechanical Engineering for UG and PG Programs, she teaches courses like Manufacturing Process, Advanced Manufacturing Process, Manufacturing Technology, Production Technology, Welding Technology, Advanced Welding Process, Advanced Casting Technology, Material Science and Metallurgy, Engineering Materials & Metallurgy, Quality Control & Reliability Engineering, Engineering Graphics, Advanced Engineering Graphics, Machine Drawing, CAD Laboratory, Manufacturing Laboratory & Metrology Laboratory.
She working as Deputy Warden, SVU Women’s Hostel, Member in both BOS (pass & PG), NIRF Co-Ordinator at College Level, Co-Ordinator for various committees. She was external BOS member for Mahila University, Tirupati. She is also Reviewer for springer nature Journal of Bio- and Tribo-Corrosion and Journal of Computational Fluid Dynamics. Editorial board member of Glacier Journal of Scientific Research.
She received awards like “International Best Researcher Award in the area of Machining and Welding -2022” and “Maha Matha Savithri Bai Phule Best Teacher Award – 2024”.
General Publications
International (39)
National (9)
- P. Hema, M. Vinod “Experimental Analysis of Formulation and Coating Process of LDAM for Thermal Protection Systems” Manufacturing Technology Today (MTT – CMTI), Vol. 20 No. 3-4, PP: 17-26, ISSN: 0972-7396, UGC Referred Sl. No: 3830 (May 2019)
- Hema and K. Aparna “Process Parameter Optimization of Wire EDM on Weldment of Monel 400 and AISI 316 Grade Steel” IOP Conference Series: Material Science and Engineering, Vol. 1132, 012027, PP: 1-7, doi: 10.1088/1757-899X/1132/012027 (May 2021)
- Narayana Reddy Bijivemula, Hema P & G. Padmanabhan “Experimental Investigation on Similar and Dissimilar Alloys of Stainless-Steel Joints by Laser Beam Welding” Advances in Materials and Processing Technologies (Taylor & Francis Group), Volume 7, Issue 1, PP: 1-17, ISSN: 2374-068X, https://doi.org/10.1080/2374068X.2020.1865125 (Jan 2021)
- Hema Pothur, Ramprasad Ganesan and K. Aruna “Experimental Investigations on Inconel 625 Alloy Using Plasma Arc Machining” International Journal of Manufacturing, Materials, and Mechanical Engineering (IJMMME), IGI-Global, Volume 10, Issue 4, ISSN: 2156-1680, PP: 40-57, DOI: 10.4018/IJMMME.2020100104, SCI Journal (December 2020)
- P. Hema, U. Sainadh, B. Vinod Kumar “Influence of Process Parameters on 6065 – T6 Aluminum Alloy Using CNC End Milling – A Fuzzy Approach” Paripex – Indian Journal of Research, Volume 9, Issue 12, PP: 1-4, ISSN: 2250 – 1991, DOI: 10.36106/paripex, Impact Factor: 6.941 (December 2020)
- P. Hema, M. Vinay Kumar, U. Sainadh “Experimental Analysis and Optimization of Process Parameters on Weld Characteristics of SS 410 Using TIG Welding” International Journal of Research in Engineering and Science (IJRES), Volume 8 Issue 12, PP: 16-25, ISSN: 2320-9356, Impact Factor: 3.41 (December 2020)
- P. Hema, G. Jagadish, B. Vinod Kumar “Process Parameters Optimization of EDM for Machining on HCHCR D3 Steel Using ANOVA” International Journal of Creative Research Thoughts (IJCRT), Volume 8 Issue 11, PP: 2894-2890, ISSN: 2320-2882, Impact Factor: 7.97 (November 2020)
- Hema, M. Reddeiah, B. Narayana Reddy “Optimization of Process Parameters for the Machining of Microslot on Copper Workpiece Using LBM by Grey Relational Analysis and ANOVA” International Journal of Research and Review (IJRR), Volume 7, Issue 11, PP: 509-516, ISSN: 2454-2237, DOI: inrein.com/10.4444/ijrr.1002/2438 (November 2020)
- P. Hema, A. Nagabhushana Rao, M. Reddeiah “Effect of Influential Parameters on MRR and Optimization of Abrasive Water Jet Machining Process Parameters of Glass – Epoxy Particulate PMC Using Grey Relation Analysis” International Journal of All Research Education and Scientific Methods (IJARESM), Volume 8, Issue 11, PP: 1246-1256, ISSN: 2455-6211, Impact Factor: 7.429 (November 2020)
- Pothur Hema, Ramprasad Ganesan “Experimental Investigations on SS 304 Alloy Using Plasma Arc Machining” SN Applied Sciences, Volume-2 Issue-4, ISSN: 2523-3963, PP: 1 – 16, https://doi.org/10.1007/s42452-020-2350-y, UGC Care Approved Journal. (12th March 2020) SCI Journal
- Narayana Reddy, P. Hema, G. Padmanabhan “An Analysis of the Mechanical and Metallurgical Behavior of AISI 4130 Steel After CO2 Laser Beam Welding Process”, International Journal of Innovative Technology and Exploring Engineering (IJITEE), Published By: Blue Eyes Intelligence Engineering & Sciences Publication, Volume-9 Issue-4, ISSN: 2278-3075, PP: 2230 – 2234, DOI: 10.35940/ijitee.D1587.029420, UGC Care Approved Journal. (February 2020) SCI Journal
- Hema, P. Naveena, K. Aruna “Machining of Square Holes by Using Die-Sinking EDM and Optimization of the Process Parameters” Materials Today: Proceedings (Elsevier), Volume No. 22, PP: 2751-2763, ISSN: 2214-7853, Impact Factor: 0.694 (January 2020) SCI Journal
- Narayana Reddy, P. Hema, G. Vishnu Vardhan, G. Padmanabhan “Experimental Study of Laser Beam Welding Process Parameters on AISI 4130-309 Joint Strength” Materials Today: Proceedings (Elsevier), Volume No. 22, PP: 2741-2750, ISSN: 2214-7853, Impact Factor: 0.694 (January 2020) SCI Journal
- Hema, G. Padmanabhan and T. Eswar “Experimental Investigation and Optimization of Machining Parameters in Milling of Al6351 Using Hybrid – Artificial Bee Colony Algorithm” i – Manager’s Journal (Journal on Mechanical Engineering) Volume 9, Issue No. 3, ISSN: 2230 – 9055, PP: 9 – 18, Impact Factor: 2.619 (July 2019)
- Narayana Reddy, P Hema, G Padmanabhan and J Subramanyam “Experimental Study on the Influence of LBW Process Parameters on Mechanical Properties of AISI 4130 & AISI 304 Dissimilar Metal Joints” International Journal of Innovative Research in Advanced Engineering (IJIRAE), Vol. 6, No. 6, PP: 43-47, ISSN: 2349-2163, Impact Factor: 3.916 (June 2019)
- P. Hema and M. Reddeiah “Effect of Process Parameters on MIG Welding Using Steel 4130 Alloy” International Journal of Research and Analytical Reviews (IJRAR), Vol. 6, Issue 2, ISSN: 2349 – 5138, PP: 644 – 648, Impact Factor: 5.75, UGC Referred Sl. No: 43602 (May 2019)
- P. Hema and U. Sainadh “Parametric Optimization of Friction Stir Spot Welding of AA6082 Using DFA and ANOVA” International Journal of Computational Engineering Research (IJCER), Vol. 09, Issue 5, ISSN: 2250 – 3005, PP: 39 – 47, Impact Factor: 6.41, UGC Referred Sl. No: 47631 (May 2019)
- Narayana Reddy, P Hema and G Padmanabhan “Experimental Study on the Influence of LBW Process Parameters on Mechanical Properties of Dissimilar Metal Joints” Manufacturing Technology Today (MTT – CMTI), Vol. 18, No. 5, PP: 21-27, ISSN: 0972-7396, UGC Referred Sl. No: 3830 (May 2019)
- P. Hema and U. Sainadh “Streamlining of Process Parameters For Machining of AISI 4130 Steel Alloy Using Wire – Electric Discharge Machine” International Journal of Scientific Research and Reviews (IJSRR), Vol. 8, Issue 2, ISSN: 2279 – 0543, PP: 2760-2767, Impact Factor: 6.946, UGC Referred Sl. No: 63179 (April – June 2019)
- P. Hema and M. Reddeiah “Impact of Process Parameters on the Friction Stir Butt Welded Aa6061 – Cu Joint Strength” International Journal of Research in Advent Technology (IJRAT), Vol. 7, Issue 4, ISSN: 2321 – 9637, PP: 600 – 607, Impact Factor: 5.153, UGC Referred Sl. No: 48768 (April 2019)
- Dharavi Hari Priya, P. Hema, C. Eswara Reddy “Assembly Line Balancing Application in Reduction of Cycle Time in Railway Bogie Repair” International Journal of Management, Technology And Engineering (IJMTE), Vol. IX, No. III, PP: 1722-1731, ISSN: 2249-7455, Impact Factor: 6.3, UGC Referred Sl. No: 45550 (March 2019)
- P. Hema, K. Jaya Padmavathi, B. Narayana Reddy “CNC Machining of Alloy Steel 4130 and Optimization of Process Parameters” International Journal of Technical Innovation in Modern Engineering & Science (IJTIMES), Vol. 5, No. 02, PP: 295-303, ISSN: 2455-2585, Impact Factor: 5.22 (February 2019)
- Vupputoori Mounika, P. Hema, C. Eswara Reddy “Location of a Bus Station of Public Transport Organisation” International Journal of Research and Analytical Reviews (IJRAR) Vol. 5, No. 4, PP: 185-195, ISSN: 2349-5138, Impact Factor: 3.215, UGC Referred Sl. No: 43602 (December 2018)
- Chintha Raja Sekhar, P. Hema, C. Eswara Reddy “Equipment Effectiveness Improvement in a Continuous Process Industry” International Journal of Research and Analytical Reviews (IJRAR) Vol. 5, No. 4, PP: 134-142, ISSN: 2349-5138, Impact Factor: 3.215, UGC Referred Sl. No: 43602 (December 2018)
- Aruna, R Bhargav and Dr. P Hema “Fabrication of Die-Sinking Electrical Discharge Machine for Machining of Holes on Copper Plate” Manufacturing Technology Today (MTT – CMTI), Vol. 17, No. 7, PP: 11-18, ISSN: 0972-7396, UGC Referred Sl. No: 3830 (July 2018)
- K. Aruna, K. Sankar. Dr. P. Hema “Optimization of Abrasive Water Jet Machining (AWJM) Process Parameters Using Artificial Immune Algorithm (AIA)” International Journal of Engineering Research and Advanced Development (IJERAD), Vol. 5, No. 5, PP: 42-51, ISSN: 2395-5163, Impact Factor: 2.8, DIP: 18.03.06/20180405, UGC Referred Sl. No: 63542 (May 2018)
- K. Aruna, N. Om Prakash, Dr. P. Hema “Experimental Investigation on Machining Parameters of Die-Sinking Powder Mixed EDM” International Journal of Modern Trends in Engineering and Research (IJMTER), Vol. 5, No. 4, PP: 145-153, ISSN: 2393-8161, Impact Factor: 5.278, DOI: 10.21884/IJMTER.2018.5116.IZZVG, UGC Referred Sl. No: (April 2018)
- Devisree, K. Aruna, K. Venkatamuni, Dr. P. Hema, “Productivity Improvement by Reducing the Tool Change Time using SMED Methodology” Manufacturing Technology Today (MTT – CMTI), Vol. 17, No. 4, PP: 8-15, ISSN: 0972-7396 (April 2018) UGC Referred Sl. No: 3830
- Hema, U. Sainadh, G. Raghuvardhan Reddy “Effect of Process parameters on mechanical properties of friction stir lap welds of AA 5083” International Journal of Modern Trends in Engineering and Research, Vol. 5, No. 3, pp 135-140, ISSN:2349-9745 Impact Factor: 5.278, UGC Referred Sl. No: 44669 (March 2018)
- Sainadh, P. Hema “Comparative Study on Joining of Aluminum Alloy AA 6061 with FSW and GTAW using ANN” International Journal of Engineering Research and Advanced Development, Vol. 4, No. 03, pp: 74-87, ISSN: 2395-5163, DIP: 18.03.1020180403, Impact Factor: 2.8, UGC Referred Sl. No: 63542 (March 2018)
- Hema, N. Himaja Sri, G. Vijaya Kumar, B. Narayana Reddy “A Study on effect of tool rake angle on Machining quality in turning of AL 6351 Alloy- Desirability Fuzzy Logic Approach” International Journal of Engineering Science and Technology (IJEST), Vol. 10, No. 03, PP: 132-140, ISSN: 0975-5462, DOI: 10.21817/ijest/2018/181003005 Impact Factor: 3.14, UGC Referred Sl. No: 2977 (March 2018)
- Evangelin Paul, Dr. P. Hema, K. Venkatamuni, K. Aruna “Productivity Improvement by Reductions in Grid Casting using SIX SIGMA Methodology” Manufacturing Technology Today (MTT – CMTI), Vol. 17, No. 03 PP: 9-17, ISSN: 0972-7396, UGC Referred Sl. No: 3830 (March 2018)
- Hema, G. Venkatesh, U. Sainadh, K. Anand Babu “Multi Response Optimisation of Friction Stir Lap Welding on Aluminium Alloys Using Statistical Analysis” International Journal of Emerging Technology and Advanced Engineering (IJETAE), Vol. 8, No. 1, PP: 110-117, ISSN: 2250-2459, Impact Factor: 4.027 UGC Referred Sl. No: 44256, (January 2018)
- Srivani Valluru, K. Aruna, P. Hema “Optimisation of process parameters during MIG Welding of AISI 1010 Mild Steel plates using PCA based GRA” International Journal of Innovative Research in Science, Engineering and Technology (IJIRSET), Vo. 7, No. 1, PP: 618-626, ISSN: 2319-8753, Impact Factor: 7.089 DOI: 10.15680/IJIRSET.2018.0701073 UGC Referred Sl. No:00 (January 2018)
- Hema, P. Yamini Priya, M. Reddeiah “Parametric Optimization of Friction Stir Lap Welding of AA5083-AA6082 Using Multi Criteria Decision Making Method” Manufacturing Technology Today (MTT – CMTI), Vol. 16, No. 5, PP: 1-10, ISSN: 0972-7396 (May 2017) UGC Referred Sl. No:3830
- SrivaniValluru, K. Aruna, P. Hema “Investigation of Process Parameters During MIG Welding of AISI1010 Mild Steel Plates” International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology (IRJET), Vo. 4, No. 4, PP: 3230-3238, ISSN: 2395-0072 (April 2017), Impact Factor: 5.181UGC Referred Sl. No:00
- Hema, G. Raghuvardhan Reddy, M. Reddeiah “Effect of Process Parameters on Mechanical Properties of Friction Stir Lap Welds of AA6082” International Journal of Engineering Research in Mechanical and Civil Engineering (IJERMCE), Vol. 2, No. 3, PP: 96-100, ISSN: 2456-1290 (March 2017), Impact Factor: 2.86
- Hema, K. Sai Kumar Naik, K. Ravindranath “Prediction of Effect of Process Parameters on Friction Stir Welded Joints of Dissimilar Aluminum Alloy AA2014 & AA6061 Using Taper Pin Profile” Science Direct (ELSEVIER) Materials Today Proceedings, Vol: 04 Issue-2, PP: 2174-2183, (February 2017), doi.org/10.1016/j.matpr.2017.02.064 ISSN: 2214-7853 Impact Factor: 17.793 UGC Referred Sl. No: 49021 SCI Journal
- Hema, P. YaminiPriya, M. Reddeiah “Multi Response Optimization of Friction Stir Lap Welding Process Parameters Using Deng’s Similarity Based Method” International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications (IJERA), Vol. 7, No. 2, PP: 19-24, ISSN: 2248-9622 (February 2017), Impact Factor: 5.179 UGC Referred Sl. No:00
- Hema, N. Ravi Teja, K. Ravindranath “Prediction and Parametric Optimization on Mechanical Properties of Friction Stir Welding Joints of AA6061 and AA2014 Using Genetic Algorithm” International Journal of Innovative Research in Science, Engineering and Technology (IJIRSET), Vol. 5, No. 3, PP: 3870-3877, ISSN: 2347-6710 (March 2016), Impact Factor: 6.209 UGC Referred Sl. No:00
- JilanBasha, P.Hema “Optimizing the Total Cost and Quality of Manufacturing of HPT Nozzle in AL31FP Engine of SU-30 Aircraft” Journal of Basic and Applied Engineering Research (JBAER), Vol. 2, No.6, PP: 486-490, ISSN: 2350 -0077 (April – June 2015), Impact factor:4.236
- Jagadeesh Chandra Prasad, P.Hema, K. Ravindranath, “Optimization of Process Parameters For Friction Stir Welding of Aluminum Alloy AA6061 Using Square Pin Profile” International Journal of Mechanical Engineering and Robotics Research (IJMERR), Vol. 3, No. 2, PP: 455-466, ISSN 2278-0149 (April, 2014)
- Purushotham, P. Hema “Effect of Friction Stir Welding on Mechanical Properties of Dissimilar AluminumAA6061 and AA2014 Alloy Joints” International Journal of Engineering Sciences & Research Technology (IJESRT), Vol. 3, No. 4, PP: 7086-7092, ISSN: 2277-9655 (April 2014), Impact Factor: 1.852
- Kanakaraja, P. Hema, K. Ravindranath “Comparative Study on Different Pin Geometries of Tool Profile in Friction Stir Welding Using Artificial Neural Networks” International Journal of Mechanical Engineering and Technology (IJMET), Vol. 4, No. 2, PP: 245-253, ISSN: 0976 – 6340 (March – April 2013), Impact Factor: 9.2286
- Hema Pothur,S.M. Gangadhar,Ravindranth. K “Influence of Friction Stir Welding Parameters on the Micro Structural and Mechanical Properties of aluminum Alloy 6061” International Journal of Applied Engineering Research (IJAER), Vol.: 7, No.8, PP: 907-916, ISSN: 0973-4562 (Jul 2012)
- Hema Pothur, S.M. Gangadhar, Ravindranth. K “Optimization of Process Parameters for Friction Stir Welding of aluminum Alloy 6061 Using ANOVA” Indian Journal of Applied Research (IJAR) Vol.:1, No. :1, PP:33-35, ISSN: 2249-555X(Jan 2012), Impact factor: 4.894
- Hema Pothur, S.M. Gangadhar, Ravindranth. K “Optimization of Process Parameters for Friction Stir Welding of Aluminum Alloy 6061 Using ANOVA” International Journal of Mechanical and Production Engineering Research and Development (IJMPERD),Vol.2, No. 1, PP: 36 – 42, ISSN: 2249 – 6890 (2012), Impact factor: 6.8765
- Hema Pothur, K. A. Prabhu, Ravindranth. K “Optimization of Process Parameters for Gas Tungsten Arc Welding of Aluminum Alloy 6061 by Taguchi Method” Indian Journal of Applied Research (IJAR), Vol.:1, No. 4, PP:98-101, ISSN: 2249-555X (Jan 2012), Impact factor: 4.894
- Academic Year (2019-20)
- Pothur Hema “Experimental Investigations on AA 6061 Alloy Welded Joints by Friction Stir Welding” book chapter published in “Aluminum Alloys and Composites” by IntechOpen publisher on 24th October 2019, PP: 1-18, DOI: 10.5772/intechopen.89797, ISBN: 978-1-78984-515-0, Print ISBN: 978-1-78984-514-3
- Hema, J. Mallikarjuna Rao, C. Eswara Reddy “Machining of Bio-Implant Materials Using WEDM and Optimization of Process Parameters” book chapter published in “Lecture Notes on Multidisciplinary Industrial Engineering” (Advances in Unconventional Machining and Composites) by Springer Nature Singapore Pte. Ltd, ISBN: 978-981-32-9470-7 & 978-981-32-9741-4 (eBook), PP: 397-441, 23rd November 2019, http://doi.org/10.1007/978-981-32-9471-4_32.
- Narayana Reddy, P. Hema, G. Padmanabhan “Influence of CO2 Laser Beam Welding Process Parameters on Mechanical Properties of Alloy AISI 4130 Steel
Welded Joints” book chapter published in “Lecture Notes on Multidisciplinary Industrial Engineering” (Recent Advances in Material Sciences; Select Proceedings of ICLIET 2018) by Springer series, ISBN: 978-981-13-7642-9 & 978-981-13-7643-6 (eBook), PP: 65-76, https://doi.org/10.1007/978-981-13-7643-6_6. - Narayana Reddy, P. Hema, Y. Prasanth Reddy and G. Padmanabhan “Experimental Investigation on Laser Beam Welded Joints of Dissimilar Metals and Optimization of Process Parameters Using Firefly Algorithm” book chapter published in Advances in Applied Mechanical Engineering (Select Proceedings of ICAMER 2019), Lecture Notes in Mechanical Engineering by Springer Nature Singapore Pte Ltd. PP: 823-830, ISBN: 978-981-15-1200-1 & 978-981-15-1201-8 https://doi.org/10.1007/978-981-15-1201-8_88.
Research interest
Production Engineering, Welding, Solar Energy, Machining, Manufacturing of composites and Design optimization.
Research projects
Applied for DST- SERB POWER GRANT Project entitled “Characterisation of Mechanical and Metallurgical properties of Friction Stir Welding on Alpha- Titanium Alloys”
- Hema Pothur, M Vinaykumar Reddy, Ramprasad Ganesan “Experimental Investigations On Process Parameters Of Stainless Steel 410 Alloy by Plasma Arc Machining Process Using Grey Relational Analysis with Entropy Measurement” International Conference On Engineering Materials, Metallurgy And Manufacturing (Icemmm 2021) Virtual conference,16-17, Dec 2021
- Hema P, Naveena K and Chaitanya Y Parametric Optimization of Process Parameters on Performance Characteristics Using Die-Sinking EDM with Deionized Water and Kerosene as Dielectrics International Conference On Engineering Materials, Metallurgy And Manufacturing (Icemmm 2021) Virtual conference,16-17, Dec 2021
- Bijivemula Narayana Reddy and Hema Pothur Experimental Investigations of CO2 Laser Beam Welded Joints of AISI 304 and AISI 4130 Steels All India Manufacturing Technology, Design and Research Conference (AIMTDR 2021) Virtual conference 09-11, Dec 2021
- Ramprasad Ganesan and Hema Pothur Review on Friction Stir Welding of Titanium Alloys: A Fracture Mechanics Perspective All India Manufacturing Technology, Design and Research Conference (AIMTDR 2021) Virtual conference 09-11, Dec 2021
- P. Hema K. Aparna Process Parameter Optimization of Wire EDM on the Weldment of MONEL400 and AISI316 Grade Steel International Conference in Innovative in Mechanical Sciences (ICIMS’21) Cochin19-20, Feb 2021
- P. Hema U. Sainadh R. Rajasekhar Effect of Process Parameters on 6065-T6 Aluminum Alloy Using CNC End Milling – A Fuzzy Approach National Level e-conference on “Recent Advances in Technology & Engineering (CRATE-2020)” 20-21, August 2020, VEMU Institute of Technology, Chittoor
- Vijaya Lakshmi M. Reddeiah Dr. P. Hema Process Parameters Optimization of LBM for Microslot on Copper Using Grey Relational Analysis and ANOVA National Level e-conference on “Recent Advances in Technology & Engineering (CRATE-2020)” 20-21, August 2020, VEMU Institute of Technology, Chittoor
- Vinod Kumar, Smt. K. Aruna, Dr. P. Hema Optimization of Process Parameters for Machining of a Pair of Holes by Twin Tool in Die-Sinking EDM Using Genetic Algorithm National Level e-conference on “Recent Advances in Technology & Engineering (CRATE-2020)” 20-21, August 2020, VEMU Institute of Technology, Chittoor
- Narayana Reddy, P. Hema G. Padmanabhan Experimental Investigation on Similar and Dissimilar Alloy of Stainless-Steel joints by LBW International Conference on Advances in Material Science and Mechanical Engineering (ICAMSME 2020) 7-9, Feb 2020 NBKRIST, Vidyanagar
- Pothur Hema, Ramprasad G, K Aruna Experimental Investigations on Inconel 625 Alloy using Plasma Arc Machining International Conference on Advances in Material Science and Mechanical Engineering (ICAMSME 2020) 7-9, Feb 2020 NBKRIST, Vidyanagar
- Narayana Reddy, P. Hema, Y. Prasanth Reddy G. Padmanabhan Experimental Investigation on Laser Beam Welding Joint of Dissimilar Metals and Optimization of Process Parameters Using Firefly Algorithm 1st International Conference on Applied Mechanical Engineering Research (ICAMER 2019) 2-4, May 2019 NIT Warangal
- Narayana Reddy, P. Hema, G. Vishnu Vardhan, G. Padmanabhan, Experimental Study of Laser Beam Welding Process Parameters on AISI 4130-309 Joint Strength 2nd International Conference on Materials, Manufacturing and Modelling (ICMMM 2019) 29-31 March 2019,VIT, Tamilnadu
- Hema, P. Naveena, K. Aruna Machining of Square Holes by Using Die-Sinking EDM and Optimization of the Process Parameters 2nd International Conference on Materials, Manufacturing and Modelling (ICMMM 2019) 29-31 March 2019, VIT, Tamilnadu
- Hema, J. Mallikarjuna Rao, C. Eswara Reddy Machining of Bio-Implant Materials Using WEDM and Optimization of Process Parameters 7th International Conference on All India Manufacturing Technology, Design and Research (AIMTDR 2018) 13-15, Dec 2018, IIT Madras
- Hema Impact of Process Parameters on the Joint Strength of AA6061 and Copper Metals by Friction Stir Butt Welding Integrating Science and Society for Global Sustainability (AP Science Congress-2018) Yogi Vemana University, Kadapa, 9-11 Nov. 2018
- Narayana Reddy, P. Hema, G. Padmanabhan Influence of CO2 Laser Beam Welding Process Parameters on Mechanical Properties of Low Alloy AISI 4130 Steel welded Joints 1st International Conference on Latest Innovations in Materials Engineering & Technology (ICLIET-2018) 15-16, June 2018, Dept. of Mechanical Engineering,Lendi Institute of Engg. & Tech., Vizag
- Narayana Reddy, P. Hema, C. Eswara Reddy, G. Padmanabhan Role of Laser Beam in Welding and Assembly: A Status Review 10th International Conference on Precision, Meso, Micro and Nano Engineering (COPEN 10) Dec 7-9, 2017, IITM, Chennai
- Ravi Teja, P. Hema, K. Ravindranath Parametric Optimization on Mechanical Properties of Friction Stir Welding AA 6061 and AA 2014 Using Genetic Algorithm Contemporary Research in Advanced Material Science (CRAMS2016) Feb 04-05, 2016, Kanchipuram
- Hema, Sai Kumar Naik, K. Ravindranath Prediction of Effect of Process Parameters on Friction Stir Welded Joints of Aluminum Alloy AA2014 & AA6061 Using Taper Pin Profile 5th International Conference of Materials Processing and Characterization (ICMPC 2016) March 12-13,2016 at GRIET, Hyderabad
- JilanBasha, P. Hema Optimizing The Total Cost and Quality of Manufacturing of HPT Nozzle in AL31FP Engine of SU-30 Aircraft International Conference on Innovative Trends in Mechanical, Material, Manufacturing, Automobile and Aeronautical Engineering (ITMAAE-2015) 1-2, April 2015 Bapatla Engineering College, Bapatla
- Purushotham, P. Hema Effect of Friction Stir Welding on Mechanical Properties of Dissimilar Aluminum AA6061 and AA2014 Alloy JointsNational conference on New Frontiers in Mechanical Engineering (NFME 2K14) 18-19 July 2014 JNTUK, Kakinada
- Hema, U. Sainadh, K. Ravindranath A Study on Joining of Aluminum Alloy 6061 With Friction Stir Welding and Tungsten Inert Gas Welding Using ANN National Conference on Emerging Trends in Mechanical Engineering (ETIME-2k13) St. Anns College of Engineering and Technology, Chirala
- Hema, M. Reddaiah, K. Ravindranath Effect of Pin Geometry on Friction Stir Welded Joints National Conference on Latest Innovations in Mechanical Engineering (Lime -2013) 28th April 2013
- Hema, CH. Vinodababu, K. Ravindranath Evaluation of Surface Roughness Using Machine Vision and Artificial Neural Networks National Conference on Recent Advances in Mechanical Engineering (NCRAME) 7-8 July 2011RVR &JC College of Engineering, Guntur
- Sree Charan, G. Padmanabhan, P. Hema Design of Tool & Fixture For Friction Stir Welding National Conference on Advances in Materials & Manufacturing Processes 5-6 Oct 2007, UBDTCE, Davangere-04
- Hema, P.S.Ramakrishnudu Regression Analysis on FSW Parameters All India Conference / Seminar on Emerging Trends in Mechatronics & Instrumentation June 29- 30,2007 IEI, Tirupati Chapter
- Hema, V. Diwakar Reddy, P.S. Ramakrishnudu Mathematical Modeling of Friction Stir Welding Technique on Lathe National Level Conference Rampt’06 (Feb. 2006), Dept. of Mech. Engg., Sri Velammal College of Engineering, Chennai
- Hema, P.S. Ramakrishnudu An Application of Friction Stir Welding Technique on Lathe All India Seminar / Conference on Advances in Mechanical Engineering August 2004, Dept. of Mechanical Engineering, S.V.U.C.E, Tirupati
Received award Adarsh vidya Saraswati Rashtriya Puraskar on 2nd Nov 2021.
Life Member in ISTE.
Life Member in Indian Welding Society
Life Member in Institution of Engineers India.
Life Member in IAEng
Life Member in Indian Institute of Welding
Life Member in Indian Institute of Metals
Administrative Positions Held:
Dy. Warden (Women’s Hostel)
TEQIP-III-1.3 Nodal Officer
NIRF College Level Coordinator (2017 to till date)
Member of Ragging Vigilance Committee
Member of Placement cell committee