Adult & Continuing Education

About Adult and Continuing Education Department
The Department of Adult and Continuing Education in Sri Venkateswara University was established in 1972. At present 3 teaching faculty, 3 Academic Consultants and 2 Supporting Staff are working in the Department. The Department has well equipped Library, Computer Lab and Seminar hall. Since inception, the Department has been designing and implementing a variety of Teaching, Research and Extension Activities. Initially, the Department offered PG Diploma in Adult Education in the period 1973 – 78. The Department has been offering 2 PG courses i.e. M.A. Adult Education (since 1980) with an intake of 21 students & MA Rural Development & Management (since 2012) with an intake of 20 students by following choice based credit system and semester pattern. Under research, the department is offering M. Phil, PhD programmes in Adult Education and Rural Development. The Department is undertaking individual & sponsored research projects with the financial support of UGC, NCERT, SSA, ICSSR, Planning Commission, and Ministry of Tribal Welfare. Since 1980, 39 Ph. Ds, 17M.Phils, 337 Project works as a part of MA Course were completed. Directorate of Adult Education, Govt. of India, New Delhi has empanelled the Department as external evaluating agency to evaluate Adult Education Programmes. Since 1998 to till date Adult Education programmes of different states, Jana Sikshan Sansthans &SRCs were evaluated. The Department has organized 1 International conference and 63 National seminars, published 112 books, 444 articles in National and International Journals. The Department has initiated dissemination of research findings through publication of Journal of Adult Education & Extension and several books.Under Extension, the Department has Regional Resource Centre (1978 to 1986), Population Education Resource Centre, 1989, Nucleus cell (1989 to 1991) to provide resource support to adult education programmes. The major contribution of the Department to the field of Adult Education was Preparation Primers to the adult learners, material preparation and training to the field functionaries. In addition to the above the Department has adapted villages and organizing literacy promotion programmes, Awareness programmes, Health camps to develop favorable attitude among rural community. Recognizing the potentialities of the Department the UGC has granted special Assistance programme DRS – I for the period 2009 – 14, DRS – II (2015 – 20) to work on 3 main thrust areas namely, vocational training, research and career guidance and counseling. In the area of career guidance & counseling the department is organizing training programmes to the coordinators of career guidance and counseling cells, guidance and counseling camps for students. Computer Courses, Tailoring, Saree Printing, Painting, Embroidery, Candle Making, Detergent Making, Vermin Compost are the courses organized to student & non student youth and women. In the view of the contribution of the Department to the field of adult education, Ministry of Human Resource Development has awarded NLM, UNESCO award to the Department during 2006, which has brought laurels & image to the Department and the university.
Faculty Details
S.No. | Name | Designation |
1. | Dr. K. Sudha Rani | Professor |
2. | Dr. B. Syam Mohan David Raju | Professor & B.O.S. Chairman |
3. | Dr. Sathyavathi B. Reddicherla | Professor & Head |
. NLM, UNESO Award – 2006. SAP - DRS – I & DRS – II
. Organized 1 International & 61 National Seminars
. Published 112 Books and 444 Articles
. Publication of Journal – Journal of Adult Education & Extension. ISSN No
. Completed 70 Research projects and 24 Evaluation Projects
. Trained more than 1000 Literacy Educators
. Eradicated illiteracy in 4 Adopted Villages
. Trained 300 students on computer skills
. Trained 300 Women on vocational aspects.
Adult & Continuing Education
Ph.D in Adult Education with 13 years of research experience in adult learning outcomes and reproductive health. Evaluation of literacy skills in entrepreneurship. Developing demographic tools for identifying populations at risk towards communicable and non-communicable diseases. Research experience in designing and conducting epidemiological studies. Ability to write grants, manage projects, good communication and presentation skills.
Dr. B. Syam Mohan David Raju received M.A. Philosophy and M.A. Education Master Degrees from Andhra University, Visakhapatnam. He has achieved his first Ph.D. Degree in Education from A.U., VSP; Qualified SLET(Edu), completed M.Phil. in Philosophy from AU, VSP and he received second Ph.D. degree in Philosophy from S.V. University, Tirupati.
He has twenty-three years teaching experience in the field of Education, Adult Education and Rural Development. He has been teaching different subjects namely, Philosophy, Sociology, Psychology, School Administration, Adult Education and Rural Development. He has completed one major Research Project, UGC, New Delhi and 10 minor Research Projects, SAP – DRS I & II, Dept of Adult and Continuing Education, S.V.University. He is faculty for Refresher Course, UGC – HRDC, Bharathiar University, Coimbatore, Tamilnadu and UGC, HRDC, Andhra University, Visakhapatnam, A.P. He extended his service as Resource Person in ten career guidance and students counselling classes in different Degree colleges, Chittoor Dt, A.P. He has served as Resource Person in Saakshara Bharat Programme, Chittoor Dt, A.P. State
Adult & Continuing Education
Dr. K. Sudha Rani
Staff Designation : Principal, SVU College of ArtsQualifications : M.A.,Ph.D.
Experience : 29 Years
Faculty Type : Regular
Specializations : Extension Education
Research Interests : Evaluation, Extension Education
Email :
Dr.B.Syam Mohan David Raju
Staff Designation : Professor & Vice-PrincipalQualifications : M.A. (Philo), M.A. Edu; Ph.D. (Edu), SLET(Edu), M.Phil. (Philo), Ph.D. (Philo), M.Sc. Psy.
Experience : 23 Years
Faculty Type : Regular
Specializations : Philosophical foundation, Sociological foundation, Psychological foundation, School Administration, Adult Literacy & Learning, Women empowerment &Emancipation.
Research Interests :
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Dr. Sathyavathi B. Reddicherla
Staff Designation : PROFESSORQualifications : M.A.(Adult Education), M.A.(English). M.Ed., Ph.D.
Experience : 14 years
Faculty Type : Regular
Specializations : Non Formal Education
Research Interests : Health Education, Women's Education
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