
About Chemistry Department
The Department of Chemistry is one of the first six departments started during the year 1954 when this university was founded. Choice Based Credit System is followed and the courses are categorized as per the guidelines of the statutory authorities. Ability enhancement and skill development courses are part of the curriculum. The Department offers M.Sc. course in Chemistry with specializations in Analytical, Environmental, Inorganic, Organic and Physical Chemistry besides Self Supporting Courses in Organic and Analytical Chemistry. Almost 15% of the students are qualifying in National Entrance Test conducted by UGC-CSIR. Also the Department offers quality research training experience for the students in the areas of synthesis of pharmacologically potential molecules analogous to drugs, application of green methodologies for the synthesis of complex molecules, development of new hybrid sorbents for monitoring toxic metals in environmental samples, fabrication of novel electrochemical sensors and biosensors towards the detection of organic molecules and pollutants. Most of the research scholars are doing Post-Doctoral research in abroad and in India.
The Department has well equipped laboratories for research and teaching besides a DST funded computer lab and a Department library. All the faculty members are having individual research laboratories with internet facility. At present the Department is flourished with 11 faculty members and most of the faculty members have Post-Doctoral research and training experience abroad. Some of the faculty worked as Visiting Professors and Visiting Fellows in prestigious universities abroad. Majority of faculty members have undertaken major research projects funded by agencies like UGC, CSIR, DST, BRNS, DBT and MOES and have successfully completed the tasks with a budget outlay of Rs. 250.00 lakhs. Most of the faculty members have developed collaboration with Indian Institute of Sciences, Bangalore, Indian Institute of Chemical Technology, Hyderabad, AVRA Laboratories, EPR Laboratories, Hyderabad, Amara Raja Batteries, Tirupati, RRL, Trivandrum and Birla Institute of Technology & Science, Pilani – Hyderabad campus and have approved patents. Some of the faculty and Alumni are the recipients of JSPS Fellowship, UGC Raman Fellowship, Common wealth Academic Fellowship, State Best Teacher Award etc.,
Over the last sixty years the Department has trained about 650 students for their Doctoral degrees. Recognizing the excellence in teaching and research in the Department, the University Grants Commission and Department of Science Technology have provided funding under DRS and FIST programmes. The faculty has published about 3600 research papers in refereed National and International Journals. The Alumni of the department served in coveted positions as Vice-chancellors, Registrars, CEO of pharma industries etc. The former students of the Department have established leading International pharmaceutical industries in India and abroad. Some of them are actively engaged in the manufacture of COVID 19 vaccine. The ultimate goal of the Department is to achieve excellence in fundamental research as well as the development of innovative technologies for the future.
The mission of the Department includes inculcating creativity and professional competency amongst students through quality education and research to develop state of art facilities for undertaking research in emerging areas of Chemistry and to support student activities for holistic
Faculty Details
S.No. | Name | Designation |
1. | Dr. N. Y. Sreedhar | Professor & B.O.S. Chairman |
2. | Dr. N. Venkata Subba Naidu | Professor |
3. | Dr. V. Padmavathi | Professor & Head |
4. | Dr. C. Suresh Reddy | Professor |
5. | Dr. A. Padmaja | Professor |
6. | Dr. Y. V. Rami Reddy | Professor |
7. | Dr. D. Srinivasulu | Professor |
8. | Dr. G. Madhavi | Professor |
9. | Dr. N. V. V. Jyothi
| Professor |
10. | Dr. T. Madhusudana Reddy | Professor |