Dr. S. Kishore completed M.Sc., degree in Zoology in 1985 (Andhra University, Vishakapatnam) and awarded Ph.D., (Parasitology) on the topic “Studies on monogenetic trematodes of Vishakapatnam”. He Worked as scientist-B and scientist-C in Central Silk Board, Ministry of Textiles, Govt. Of India from 1992 to 2007. During 2002-2007 served as counterpart in JICA(Japan Intrernational Cooperation Agency) for the promotion of Bivoltine Sericulture Technology in India. Appointed as Assistant Professor in the Dept. of Zoology, Sri Venkateswara University in July 2007 and elevated as associate professor in 2015 and professor from july 2018. Area of research: Toxicology, Sericulture, Parasitology, Histology and Histochemistry. He has 29 years of research, extension and teaching experience. He published 51 research papers in National and International Journals and attended for 14 national and International seminars. Authored 5 books. Under his guidance 4 Ph.D’s and 1 M.Phil degrees awarded. He served as coordinator for (IPR) Intellectual Property Rights cell, Deputy warden for S.V.U. College Men’s Hostel, Executive editor for Indian Journal of Comparative Animal Physiology, Member Board of Studies Dept. Of Aquaculture. Presently holding the position of Dean International Relations S.V.University.
General Publications
- K. Hanumantha Rao, S. Kishore,K. Shyamasundhari(1993) “ Observations on reproductive efforts in trematode parasites”. Rvista di parassitologia, vol X- No, 3- December 1993.
- K. Hanumantha Rao, S. Kishore,K. Shyamasundhari (1996) “ Observations of adhesive effort of trematode parasites”. Rvista di parassitologia, Vol-XIII(LVII – N.1-Aprile, 1996.
- Mithilesh Kar, P. Sudhakara Rao. S.Kishore, T. Selva Kumar, Nisha Gopal, A.R. Narasimha Nayaka & k. Chandrasekaran(2009)..Effect of Phytoecdysteroid on Disease Incidence, Melting and Economic Characters of Mulberry Silkworm. International journal of industrial entomology. Vol.18,No.1,pp.8-12
- John Sushma N, Sivaiah N, John Surag N, S. Kishore and K Jayantha Rao (2009), “Lipid peroxidation and some oxidative stress enzymes in alluminium acetate intoxicated albino mice”. Toxicology international. Vol, No.1, pp 01-04.
- Ravi Sekhar.P, Savithri.Y, Prakash Rao.Y S. Kishore and K. Jayantha Rao .( 2010) ”Cypermethrin and sodium fluoride synergestic effect on oxidative enzymes in mussel and kidney of albino mice”Int.J. Pharmacol.Biol.Sci.Vol.1(3), pg 1-9.
- Ravi Sekhar.P, Savithri.Y, Subba Reddy S.V., S. Kishore and K. Jayantha Rao .( 2010)” Synergestic effect of cypermethrin and sodium fluoride on oxidative enzymes in liver and brain tissue of albino mice”. Int.J. Phsrmacol. Biol.Sci. Vol.4(2) 57-66.
- S. Kishoe, Ravikanth.S.V and P.Neeraja(2010) “Acute ammonia stress on certain metabolic aspects of brain tissue of cockroach periplaneta Americana” The Bioscan special issue Vol. 2 343-347.
- Ravi Sekhar.P, Savithri.Y, S. Kishore Jayasankar and K. Jayantha Rao .( 2011) “ Synergestic effect of sodium fluoride and cypermethrin on the somatic index and histopathology of albinomice testes” . Research report Fluoride .44(2)103–111,
- Bhubesh guptha. M, Chalapathi Rao P.N, Ramalingam.G, Prasad. N.P., S. Kishore and M.Rajasekhar( 2011) “ The water birds of Nelapattu bird sanctuary Andhra Pradesh, India”. World journal of Zoology.Vol.6, issue (3): 249-254.
- Bhubesh guptha. M, Chalapathi Rao P.N, S. Kishore and M.Rajasekhar . ( 2012) “ Red patch on the hindneck of Black- headed Ibis Threskiornis melanocephalus, Nelapattu bird sanctuary Andhra Pradesh, India”. World journal of Zoology 7(2): 123-12
- M. Bubesh Guptha, P.V 1 1 . Chalapathi Rao, 2G. Ramalingam,1S. S. Kishore., 3M. Rajasekhar and 4Amol Kumbhar (2012.) Status of Amphibians and Reptiles of Nelapattu Bird Sanctuary, Andhra Pradesh, India . World journal of zoology 7(4):306-311, ISSN :1817-3098
- N. Lakshmi Narasimha Murthy, M. Vijaya Bhaskara Reddy D. Adinarayana, , A. Bhuvaneswari, S. Kishore (2012). Acute Sodium Selenite induced Physiological and Hematological alterations in Swiss Albino Mice. International journal of pharmaceutical Science and health care. Issue 2, Vol 6.pg.116-130. ISSN : 2249-5738
- Y. Prakash Rao, N. Lakshmi Narasimha Murthy, S. Kishore (2013) Diversity of molluscs in Chittor district of Andhra Pradesh with special reference to Tirumala hills, India. International journal of advanced scientific and technical research. Issue 3, Vol 2.pg. 573-581 ISSN: : 2249-9954
- Y. Prakash Rao, N. Lakshmi Narasimha Murthy, S. Kishore (2013) DNA-Based molecular analysis byusing mollusc shells: with reference to Bellamya bengalensis. International journal of advanced scientific and technical research. Issue 3, Vol 2.pg. 582-593 ISSN: 2249-9954
- N. Lakshmi Narasimha Murthy, K. Jayantha Rao and S. Kishore (2013). Study On Bioaccumulation Of Selenium In Selected Tissues Of Swiss Albino Mice Exposed To Sodium Selenite. International journal of advanced scientific and technical research. Issue 3 volume 3.pg. 396-404. ISSN :22499954
- Bubesh Guptha M, S. Kishore, Sivarama Prasad NV (Number,2014) Butterflies diversity of Seshachalam biosphere reserve, Eastern Ghats, Andhra Pradesh, India, Discovery life, Volume 6, issue 15.pg. 3-17 ISSN :
- Adinarayana, D.; S. Kishore, (2014) “Alterations In The Carbohydrate Metabolism During Deltamethrin Induced Toxicity In Cyprinus Carpio. International Journal of Pharmacy & Life Sciences; Feb2014, Vol. 5 Issue 2, pg.3311-3317. ISSN: 0976-7126
- A. Vijaya kumar, N. Lakshmi Narasimha Murthy, S. Kishore (2014) Effect of Sodium Arsenate On Histopathological Alterations Of Liver And Muscle In Albino Mice. International Journal of Universal Pharmacy and Bio Sciences 3(4): pg -61-66 ISSN: 2319-8141
- M. Bubesh Guptha, .V. Sivaram Prasad, .V.Chalapathi Rao and S. Kishore (2014) Rediscovery of The Critically Endangered Tarantula Poecilotheria metallica Pecock, 1899 From Seshachalam Biosphere Reserve, Eastern Ghats, Andhra Pradesh, India . World Journal of Zoology, vol- 9 (4): 235-238, ISSN :18173098
- Kumar A.V., Madhusudhana Ch. and S. Kishore. (2015). Hematological alterations induced by Sodium arsenate toxicity in Albino mice Hematological alterations induced by Sodium arsenate toxicity in Albino mice. Int. J. Pharm. Life Sci., 6(1):4166-4170. ISSN :0976-7126
- 21. Bubesh Guptha*, S. Kishore, N. V. Sivarama Prasad and P. V. Chalapathi Rao (2015),
Birds of Seshachalam biosphere reserve, southern eastern Ghats of Andhra Pradesh, India. International Journal of Biodiversity and Conservation
- D. Adinarayana And S. Kishore (2016)“Effect of Deltamethrin on Ciprinus Carpio With Special Reference To Protein And Amino Acid Metabolism”. International Journal of Current Pharmaceutical & Clinical Research, Vol 6| Issue 1| 2016 | 41-48.
- 23. Adinarayana And Kishore (February, 2018)“Effect of Deltamethrin in the Indian major carp Ciprinus carpio with Special reference to cholinergic activities”. International Journal of Recent Scientific Research. Vol. 9, Issue, 2(E), pp. 24091-24096,
- M.Subahan, K.Khalindar, K.Chennaiah, S. Kishore, , P.S.Poornima, M.Venkatramudu, and K.Sathyavelu Reddy. “ Interaction of red Grape extract and nicotine on Aging” . International Journal of Pharmaceutical Science and Health. Issue 8, Vol.1 (January-February 2018)
- K.Khalindar Basha, M.Vani, P.S.Poornima, M.Venkatramudu, B.Ravi, S. Kishore, P.Nagaraju, K.Sathyavelu Reddy and K.Chennaiah “ Interaction of Red grape extract and leaf extract on Nicotine Induced oxidative Stress in the Lung Tissue of Male Albino Rat”. International Journal of Pharmaceutical Science and Health. Issue 8, Vol.2 (March-April 2018)
- K. Chennaiah, M. Vani, P. S. Poornima, S. Kishore, K. Khalindar Basha,
- Ravi, P. Nagaraju and K. Sathyavelu Reddy “ Protective role of Red grape Extract and Red grape Leaf extract on Nicotine in Male albino rat”. European Journal of Biomedical
and Pharmaceutical Sciences. Volume: 5, Issue: 2, 374-378, Year: 2018
- Kutagolla peera, Jamakala Obaiah, Mude Thulasi, M. Abdul kareem, Syed Rahamthulla,
Salikineedy kishore and Motireddy Srinivasulu Reddy. “Screening And Identification of
Potential Inhibitors Against UDP-N Acetyl Glucosamine Enolpyruvyl Transferase (Mura) In
Streptococcus Pneumonia : An Insilico Approach.” Volume :7 Issue: 11 page no: 9422-9235.
- A. Vijaya kumar, S. Kishore “Effect of sodium arsenate on selected enzymes and some
organic compound studies in Albino mice.” Voloume: 37, page no. 10-16. (2019).
- Ediga Madhu Goud, Annapureddy Suvarna, Salikineedy Kishore. “Effect of non-nutritional
Sweetner (Aspartame) on lipid profile in blood serum concentrations of Type-2 Diabetic Male
Wister Albino Rats Volume: 9, Issue:10 , b128-b132 ,Year : october 2021.
- Kasi reddy B, S Kishore & P S Reddy (2009),Seasonal occurrence of silk worm Diseases
and pests in Mulberry Silkworms and their control measures in the District of Anantapur and
Chittoor, A.p. Indian Journal of comparative animal Physiology Vol.27(1). P.71-76
- Jacob Doss P,G Nissar Ahmed, V Mohan Krishna, S Kishore,Vijayakumari K & M Rajeswara Rao (2009). Inhibition of Rat Brain Nitric Oxide Synthase Activity By Cationic Amphiphilic Drugs Invitro. Indian Journal of comparative Animal Physiology. Vol.27 (1)p.17-22
- Srinath,B.,Naidu B.V., S. Kishore &P.Srinivasulu Reddy(2009). Influence of Phytoecdysteroid for maturity and spinning in Silkworm Larvae. Bull. Biol. Sci. Vol. VII (2nd Issue )pp.103-106,
- Kasi reddy B, S Kishore and C.S. Chetty (2009) “Seasonal occurrence of Silkworm Diseases and Pests in Mulberry Silkworms and their controle measures in the District of Anantapur and Chittor, A.P. Indian Journal of comparative Animal Physiology. Vol.27(1). P.92-95
- Kasi reddy B, S Kishore and C.S. Chetty (2009) “ In vitro inhibition of branched chain amino acid transferses by methyl parathion and its recovery by modulators in selected tissues of fresh water mussel, Lamellidens marginalis” Indian Journal of comparative animal Physiology Vol.27(2). P.92-95
- K. Hemanath Kumar, E. A njineyulu, S. Kishore, A. Madhusudana, and M .Balaji. “ A comparative study of Biochemical patameters, Bone mineral density (BMD) and X-Ray cbservations in premenopause women to Postmenopause and Geriatric (› 60 years) Osteoporotic women”. ANU Journal of Natural Sciences.
- Savithri.V, Ravi Sekhar.P Madhava Rao.M S. Kishore and K.Jayantha rao.( 2010) “ Effect
of organophophorus pesticide chlorphyrifos on ammonia and urea levels in albino mice” Indian
Journal of comparative animal Physiology Vol.28(1). P.102-107
- P.RaviSekhar,Y.Savithri, S.Kishore, P. Jacob Doss & K.Jayantha Rao(2009). Effect of Cypermethrin on total carbohydrates, glycogen, Pyruvate and Lactic acid contents in liver and Kidney tissues of albino Rats. .Asian Journal of Environmental Science . Vol.4 No.1,P.24-28
- Madhava Rao. S., Ravi sekhar,P Devaraj. T. S. Kishore and K Jayantha Rao ( 2010) “ Effect of Azadirachtin on total A T Pases in the selected tissues of the frog Rana hexadactyla. ” journal of ecotoxicology and environmental monitoring. 20(2) 123-128.
- Bhubesh guptha M. and S. Kishore ( 2011) “ Status of wated birds and breeding birds of
Nelapattu bird sanctuary Andhra Pradesh, India” Envis newsletter Vol. 7
- Tulasi G, Praveena M, Ravi Sekhar P, S. Kishore and K. Jayantha Rao” Impact of Chromium on metabolically and functionally active tissues of fresh water Edible Fish, Cyprinus carpio” Indian Journal of comparative animal Physiology Vol.29, P.81-88
- B. Kasi Reddy B Srinivasulu Reddy P S. Kishore and Ch Satyanarayana Raju “ Effiency of
Asthra, A new Disine=fectant against the Silkworm (Bombyx mori L) disease at framers field
conditions. ” Indian Journal of comparative animal Physiology Vol.29. P.107-111
- Bhubesh guptha. M, Chalapathi Rao P.N, Mallikarjuna Rao P, Ramalingam.G, Prasad. N.P., Kannan. Bhubesh guptha. M, Chalapathi Rao P.N, Ramalingam.G, Prasad. N.P., S. Kishore, and M.Rajasekhar( 2011) , “Water birds of Kudiri wetland (near pulicat) , Andhra pradesh India. Newsletter of Birdwatch .51 (5)
- Srinath .B and S.Kishore (2012)” Root knot disease of mulberry and management”. Agrobios newsletter, Vol.10 p.53
- Srinath .B and S.Kishore (2012) “ Comparitive economic analysis study of major crops in chittoor district of AndhraPradesh” Agrobios Res. Vol. No.1 pp 97-100
- Vijaya Baskara Reddy.M P. Sasikala, N .Lakshmi NarasimhaMurthy, A.P. Baba, S.Kishore
(2012) “Protective role of Curcumin against trioxide toxicity during Gestation and Lactation
periods” Proceedings of ISEHT, VSU, Nellore, India
- N .Lakshmi NarasimhaMurthy, Vijaya Baskara Reddy.M, P. Sasikala, Bhuvaneswari ,
Adinarayana. D, Vijaya kumar A, S. Kishore, (2012) “ Selenium induced oxidative stress,
Histological alterations in testis of Swiss Albino Mice” Proceedings of ISEHT, VSU, Nellore,
- Sreenivasulu M, N .Lakshmi NarasimhaMurthy, Siva Kumar .R, Vijaya Baskara Reddy.M ,
- Kishore . Damodharam.T (2012) “ Interactive effects of elevates Co2 the tolerance of
photosynthesis to acute heat stress in C3 and C4 species” Proceedings of ISEHT, VSU, Nellore,
- Ramesh babu K Siva Prasad M Penchalamma R Stafford Valentine Redden P Nareader S Kishore,Ravikanth SV and P JacobDoss (2012). Alterations in the selected biochemical parameters in acephate treated mice. Indian Journal of Comparative Animal Physiology Vol .30 P-71-76
- M. Bubesh Gupta and S. Kishore (2012) Status of water birds and breeding of Nelapattu bird sanctuary, Andhra Pradesh, India. ENVIS Newsletter on wetland ecosystem and inland wetlands sarovar saurabh Vol.8 (1). ISSN : 0972-315
- An investigation of selenium toxicity on biochemical chages on mice, Lambert Academic publishing /2014 ISBN / ISSN Numbers: 978-3-659-35265-2
- Birds of pulicat and nelapattu bird sanctuaries, Lambert Academic publishing / 2016 ISBN / ISSN Numbers: 978-3-659-53798-1
- Wintering Ecology of wetland birds and habitat preferences of pulicat , AP, Lambert academic publishing /2018. ISBN / ISSN Numbers: 978-613-9-88135-2
- Studies on Trematodes of Visakhapatnam, Andhra Pradesh, India, Lambert Academic publishing /2018 . ISBN / ISSN Numbers: 978-3-659-7429-0
- Deltamethrin induced metabolic changes in fresh water fish C.carpio, Lambert Academic publishing /2018. ISBN / ISSN Numbers: 978-613-9-88157-4
- Biochemical and pathological studies in sodium arsenate treated mice, Lambert Academic publishing /2018. ISBN / ISSN Numbers: 978-613-9-88515-2
Research interest
Toxicology, Sericulture, Parasitology, Histology and Histochemistry.
Research projects
- Dr.S.Kishore “Ecology, Seasonal distribution and Diversity of Molluscs of Chittor district of Andhra Pradesh with Special Reference to Tirumala Hills University Grants Commission 01/05/2009 to 30/04/2012 7,05,300/-
- Dr.S.Kishore “Evaluation of hepatoprotective activity and characterization of Phyllanthus amarus extracts against phenyl hydrazine /-induced jaundice in albino rats. Invitro and invivo studies” DST-SERB 19/11/2013 To 19/11/2014 6,00,000/-
- Awareness Workshop On Intellectual Property Rights (IPR) Sponsored by PIC, APCOST, Hyderabad. On 15th March, 2014. IPR Cell, Sri Venkateswara University, Tirupati.
- International symposium on “Environmental Impacts, Health Implications and Therapeutic Approaches (ISEHT- 2012) organized by Vikrma Simhapuri University, Nellor, A.P, july 15-17, 2012.
- National seminar on “Emerging Trends in Aquaculture: Challenges and opportunities- 2012 (ETAC-2012).Organized by Dept.of fishery science and aquaculture, sri Venkateswara university, tirupati,A.P AUGUST 30-31, 2012.
- National Nanotechnilogical Meet on Energy & Environment – NNMEE-2012 Organized by “ Center For Nano Science & Nanotechnology, and Sathyabama University, Chennai. 3rd -5th September , 2012.
- UGC workshop on “University – Industry Interaction for Community Development. Organized by Dept.of fishery science and aquaculture, sri Venkateswara university, tirupati,A.P, September 22-23, 2012
- A.P Scince congress-2012. Organized by Andhra Pradesh akademi of sciences and Acharya Nagarjuna University November 14-16, 2012
- 44th national conference of nutrition society of India. Organized by NSI Tirupathi chaptor Dept.of home science, , Sri Venkateswara University, Tirupati,A.P, 16th -17th November 2012
- National conference on Forest Resilience, Biodiversity and Climate Change . Organized by Dept.of environmental science Andhra university, A.P 23rd and 24th – November, 2012
- International conference on “Anthropogenic Impact on Environment and Bioremediation ICAIEB-2012. Organized by Dept.of Zoology sri Venkateswara university, tirupati,A.P, 26th – 28th November 2012.
- International Conference on “Environmental Impact on Human Health and Therapeutic Challenges’’ Organized by Dept.of virology sri Venkateswara university, tirupati,A.P. December- 20th -22th, 2012.
- National seminar on Aquatic Toxicology, Biodiversity and Aquaculture . Organized by Dept.of Zoology & aquaculture Acharya Nagarjuna university and central institute of fresh water aquaculture, bhubaneswer, odisha 15-17 November- 2013
- National seminar on “Capacity Building of Adolescents – Perspective and Prospects’’ organized by Dept.of home science, , Sri Venkateswara University, Tirupati,A.P, December 6th and 7th , 2013.
- International Symposium on “ Environmental pollution & genetics, a special symposium on cancer biology & therapeutics. Jointly organized by Dept.of Chemistry, vikrma simhapuri university, nellor and UNT health science center , fortworth, Texas, USA.
- 5TH Congress of federation of Indian physiological societies (FIPS) on “ Physiology, Ethnopharmacology , Biotechnology and Health Therapeutics’’ (PEBHT- 2013). Organized by Dept.of Zoology Sri Venkateswara University, tirupati,A.P, 17th TO 19th December, 2013
- National conference on “ Biodiversity, Environment hazards- Therapeutic Approaches and Drug design’’. organized by Dept.of Zoology, Government degree college for women, srikalahasti, A.P, India 26th -27th july 2014
- Global summit on “ Emerging science & Technology: Impact on Environment & Human health’’ special symposia on “ Cancer therapy & Environmental toxicology’’. Jointly organized by Dept.of Biotechnology, vikrma Simhapuri University, Nellore, A.P and UNT Health science center, Fortworth, Texas, USA. 01-03 august 2014.
- National seminar on “Recent trends in life sciences 2014’’. Organized by Dept.of Zoology , T.R.R. Government degree college, Kandukur, A.P. 7th- & 8th august, 2014.
- Science academies lecture workshop on “Biotechnology for Sustainable Development’’ Organized by Dept.of Zoology Sri Venkateswara university, Tirupati,A.P 29th -30th august 2012.
- “Indian Biodiversity Congress’’ IBC 2014. Organized by SRM University, Chennai, Timilnadu. 18th -20th 2014.
- Science Academies’ lecture Workshop on “ Recent advances in conservation of biodiversity and evolutionary biology’’ organized by Dept.of Zoology, Government degree college for women, srikalahasti, A.P, India. 24th-25th November 2014.
- UGC sponsored national seminar on “molecular and genitics bais of neurological disorders’’ organized by Dept.of Zoology Sri V.S.S.C, Government degree college, Sullurpeta 19th -20th December-2014.
Other Activities:
- Member in ISCAP
- Member in Society of Biological Chemistry
- Member in Indian Science Congress Association
- Member in NEA